Lake Davis, found on another area of this website, we will publish information
on other local lakes, resorvoirs, rivers, and streams in the Reno-Tahoe-Northern
Sierra Areas. These will include Frenchman, Milton, Martis, and other local
lakes and resorvoirs. In addition, we will provide information on the Trukee
River, Little Truckee River, and Feather Rivers, as well as many small streams.
Lastly, from time to time, we will highlight a different spot that is not on
the regular list but may be worth your consideration.

- General
- Great
man made put and take lake that produces excellent rainbow fishing. Especially
good fishing in the evening in the shallows as fish work uninhibited on midges.
Very conducive to wading and tubing when the wind cooperates especially on the
west side of the lake. Like Davis, Frenchman was also poisoned to rid it of
pike and other trash fish. Since then, the lake has become better each year.
Be ready, this lake can produce some great fish besides the average 12 to 14
- Equipment
- Use
8 to 9' 4 to 6wt rods, floating (preferred) and intermediate lines and 9 to
15' leaders tapered to 4x through 6x (5x is good all around choice). As mentioned
above, great place for wading and tubing in the shallow bays that make up
most of the lake. Excellent spot to break in a new pram or jon boat on fish
who are not to spooky.
- Hatches
and Flies
- Midges-
use emergers, pupae, and larvae in sizes 12-20 various colors. (note*- since
the poisoning in 94 the blood midges are just not as good as before, but coming
back. )
- Callibaetis
Mayflies- use nymphs, emergers, cripples and parachutes in sizes 14-16.
- Damsels,
Snails, Dragons- use standard nymph patterns and some of the classics
like sheep creek specials and Bird's Nest nymphs. Pts, hare's ears, and prince
nymphs also are good to try.
- Streamers-
small leeches in grays, olives, and black. Use standard attractors like buggers
etc when things are slow. Fish them slow, that is start slow and then retrieve
half that fast!
- Strategies
- Fish
the coves and shallow areas of the lake looking for nervous water and or signs
of fish. Early summer is usually better in the mornings and evenings. Best
time to fish is in late September until the snow flies, it can be very exciting.
Be ready for any conditions and temperatures.
- Services
- No
services at the lake, but 7 miles south is the town of Chilcoot that has a
general store with food and other supplies including gas. Across the street
is the Wood and Rose Cafe, good homemade food at reasonable prices. Lots of
campsites at the lake that fill quickly. Note- jet skis and waterskiing is
allowed on the lake so be careful. Close to Nevada border and Reno for those
who need to sneak off for some other kinds of entertainment.
Resorvoir (Afterbay)
- General
- This
small ( 10 acres?) afterbay of Jackson Meadow Resorvoir is small is size,
but can be large in opportunity. It is also rated as medium to difficult as
far as fishing goes. The water levels and temperatures change rapidly as the
water comes from the bottom of Jackson Meadow and is subject to control variations.
Great brown trout fishery with some real lunkers lurking in the channels and
deep sections. Best fished from tubes and small watercraft. Note- this place
is at about 5600 ft and only accessible after the snow melts on the road in
from 89, which can be as late as mid June. Call ahead to make sure of access.
To get there, drive 19 mi. north of Truckee on 89 and turn west at the Jackson
Meadows sign. You still have a good 16 miles to Jackson Meadows and then must
proceed down a slow rocky road below the dam for about 2 miles until reaching
the reservoir.
- Equipment
- Use
8 to 9' 4 to 6wt rods, floating (preferred) and intermediate lines and 9 to
15' leaders tapered to 5x through 6x (6x is the standard choice for these
sometimes tough fish). Great place for wading and tubing in the shallow creek
channel that comes in on the south end of the lake. Wading is difficult to
impossible here, bring some kind of watercraft. Be cautious, there are large
stumps and whole trees beneethe the surface that can catch a foot or fin.
I usually fish this from a small pram to avoid the hassle. Hatches
and Flies
- Midges-Good
morning and evening midge hatches that can be difficult. Use small midges
12-22 in a varity of colors. Pupae and emergers are best producers. Try some
copper brassies during the day in size 16-18 fished slow and hold on!
- Mayflies-
this lake has a good population of siphilonurus mayflies and the large gray
nymphs and drakes are fun to fish when emerging. Use size 10-14 mayfly nymphs
and dries in gray colors. Good callibaetis hatches at times but not as significant
as the gray siphilonurus species.
- Flying
Ants- I mention this because some of the best days I have had were during
a flying ant fall on this lake. I took a good friend and new fisherman here
last year in May and watched as he lost my last 3 size 12 flying ant patterns
on large browns after landing a 24 inch fish. I vowed never to be without
more of these patterns on any Sierra Lake again! Tie 12 to 14s with nice wings.
Keep them simple, just don't run out!
- Damsels,
Dragons, and Attractors- good place to try some of your good damsel and
dragon patterns in late May, June and early July. After that, the weeds make
it almost prohibitive. I would still stick with midge patterns or gray mayfly
nymphs to search the water.
- Strategies
- Fish
the creek channel and small bays on the south end. Walk the shoreline where
possible and look for "big" cruisers. Fish mostly midges, pts, and
small brassies when nothing is happening. Be patient, this can be a tough
- Services
- There
are a few unimproved campsites at the resorvoir and below on the Yuba River,
otherwise Jackson Meadows has a nice campground setup. Nearest provisions
are back in Truckee and by the clock about an hour. Be prepared
- General
- Traveling
south on Highway 267 out the back door of Truckee some 3 miles you find Martis
Creek Lake next to the Truckee Airport. This lake holds some great memories
for me and some of my fishing friends that reach back to an outrageous trophy
brown trout fishery in the 7o's to its selection as California's first Wild
Trout stillwater when it was killed and stocked with cutthroat trout in the
early 80's. Saddened by the loss of a great brown trout fishery, the sadness
was soon replaced by catching long (yes, I said long not large) cutthroat
trout which gradually all but died out and where replaced by large numbers
of browns and rainbows which flourish today. The lake was close to my home
in Reno and I fished it some 2 to 3 nights a week when weather permitted.
The lake is oriented on a south to north basis with Martis Creek coming in
at the south end. The season is the same as regular trout season in Califorina,
and is catch and release only. I immediately think of blood midges when I
think of Martis and along with sunfish streamer imitations, find them to be
the best producers. This place has such a great blood midge hatch that many
of the standard patterns like Dave Bryean's Martis Midge Emerger were designed
to fish the prolific hatches.
- Equipment
- Use
8 to 9' rods, floating and intermediate lines for most fishing. I prefer 9'
3 to 5x leaders. Fishing is best from small prams or tubes with no motors
allowed. The 70 acre lake is long and thin so a pram or small boat is probably
- Hatches
and Flies
- Midges-
blood midges, blood midges, blood midges, need I say more. A stages, larvae,
pupae, emergers, and adults are good to carry in sizes 12 to 16. Look for
one of the great blood midge emerger patterns as it gets dark and have several
ready to go. Brassies in size 16-18 are excellent at times on Martis.
- Mayflies-
Callibaetis are the standard in all stages especially nymphs and crippled
emergers. Size 14-18 parachutes, gulper specials and cripples along with a
good AP style olive to tan nymph in size 12 to 16.
- Damsels,
etc- During
late May, June and July, try damsel nymphs in the channel on the south end
of the lake. Many good fish have been taken in the narrow 10 ft wide channel
by throwing damsel patterns and stripping along the weedy edges.
- Streamers-
for you streamer guys this can be very exciting place. On the north end near
the dam and along the shallow bays and weedy banks one can often watch "large"
fish chasing small sunfish and other baitfish making large v wakes and lots
of nervous water. Try using good size baitfish and sunfish imitations but
remember to use strong (8 to 10lb) test tippets or your excitement may be
- Strategies
- Pretty
much covered a lot of this above, but some general ideas are to fish the incoming
channel and bays during the day and side bays in the evening for blood midges.
Don't forget to look for fish feeding on baitfish. There are lots of different
hatches and opportunites for these trout, so bring a good lake assortment.
- Services
- Well,
you are only on the outskirts of Truckee, so there are lots of services available.
There is a nice campground right at the lake and several motels within a mile.
Good restaurants abound and the prices and menus go from mild to wild. The
Reno Fly Shop has a shop in Truckee that is run by Andy Burke, one of the
best fly fishermen I know. Andy is both a world class fisherman and tyer and
is always willing to give great advice on the area's waters. In addition,
Moutain Hardware in Truckee also has a good supply of fly fishing needs and
a lot more. They usually have some good knowledgeable help at the fishing
counter and are always willing to help.
Still working on the next few fishing waters and trying to tie enough flies
for this year and the midges are starting to hatch and the pine needles need
raking....... well you get the idea. I will finish these up in the next few
weeks (unless the blood midges really start hatching) so be patient.
Eagle Lake
General Information
and Flies
General Information
Hatches and
General Information
Hatches and
Truckee River
General Information
Hatches and
General Information
Hatches and
General Information
Hatches and
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